Saturday 30 June 2012

I can't believe it's not pasta

The BBQ has elevated what was already our favourite meal - faux pasta.

Cut up heads of cauliflower into bite sized pieces along with your favourite sausage, in our case chorizo, as well as other veggies you'd like, and drizzle with olive oil.  Place on baking sheet and put it on the BBQ and cook until soft.  On the top rack we also grilled some tomatoes, which will be the base for our sauce.  Of course the sausage can be omitted but it's not recommended, at least not by us.  The oils from the links coat everything so nicely.

Romeo adds a can of tomato paste and extra seasoning to our grilled tomatoes to complete the sauce then we simply add and mix the cauli and extra veggies.

The BBQ adds an amazing smokey flavour and dinner outside is a total bonus.
Happy Summer!
xo R + J

I prithee go and get me some faux pasta;
I care so much, so let it be wholesome food.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Breaking Fast

We're still trying to stick to this Paleo diet.  It's sometimes really easy, like this morning with our scrambled eggs with avocado.  But then how do you avoid a sprinkling of peppered goat cheese?  And how do you avoid bacon?  And how do you not have coffee on a lovely, sunny Saturday morning?!

Eight wild-boar rashers roasted, the whole package at breakfast,
And but two persons there; is this true?

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Pizza Party

Tonight we totally cheated and used puff pastry to make a paleo inspired pizza.  Sautéed mushrooms, red and yellow peppers, sweet white onions on a base of spinach and arugula, one topped with goat's cheese and the other old cheddar.  Cheated never tasted so good.  

By moonshine do the green spinach leaflets make,
Whereof the you not bites, and you whose pastries
Is to make midnight mushrooms, that rejoice
To hear the solemn chew

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Just like in the play, Romeo and Juliet have committed suicide.
Only this time, it's blog related.

A spark of interest has resurrected the idea of this blog.  For the past few weeks, we've been trying to eat like cavemen.  The idea behind this way of eating stems from evolution; being that humans, at least digestively, haven't actually evolved to eat the foods sprung from agriculture, such as wheat, grains, legumes and dairy, opting for more fruit, veg and meat.

More to the point, we've drastically reduced our carbo-loading tendencies.  Gone are the days of plentiful pasta dinners and easy nosh of quick pirogies stacked with goodies.
Gone, but not forgotten.

A new era has befallen the star crossed lovers, a time of planning and forging for food once a week, instead of gathering daily which had been their norm.  On our day off, Monday, we sit down with the cook books and select at least 5 possible meals for the week and write up the list of necessary ingredients, then off to the store we go.  It's been wonderful on many levels.  There is no more worries about what to make for dinner or if we have the stuff to make anything.  We're also saving money planning everything in advance, being able to stretch ingredients from day to day and making lunches instead of buying them.  The real bonus is controlling exactly what we put in our bodies.  That and making time to share breakfast together.  

Below is a fish dinner we had the other night.  Lady Montague gave us fresh salmon from Granville Island, which her son covered in extra virgin olive oil, garlic, ginger, salt, pepper and plenty of freshly squeezed lemon juice along side a citrus raisin coleslaw.
Yes, you read it here first; I ate raisins and lived to tell about it.

More to come shortly!

I will kiss thy lips;
Haply some poisson yet doth hang on them,
To write blog with a resurrection.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Breakfast Bribery

I hate getting up. Especially on the weekends. To take the edge off Romeo made the most delicious breakfast for us the other morning; chocolate chip brioche french toast with caramelized over ripened bananas. Sure, that may be a lot of sugar to start the day off with but at least it got me out of bed.

Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care 
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath 
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, 
Chief nourisher in life's breakfast.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Mum's the Word

Mom always knows best.  And tonight our dear Lady Capulet gave us the base recipe for our mini meal.  Asparagus, lightly tossed with extra virgin olive oil and pepper, wrapped in prosciutto with either spicy havarti or creamy cream cheese tucked inside the rolled up and broiled until deliciously crispy.  We also toasted up some caraway rye bread for dipping in balsamic and oil.  

Thanks, Lady!  Twas delicious.

The Lady doth prosciutto too much, methinks.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Snack Attack

We love nothing more than making a leisurely breakfast on a slow Sunday morning.  The issue is we end up hungry at an odd time; too early for dinner, too late for lunch.  What to do?

Entre Romeo with his snack french bread sliders.  From left to right as follows:
1) Cream cheese, spinach, tomato and a balsamic reduction
2) Pesto, herb goat cheese, spinach, tomato and fresh basil
3) Avocado, tomato and fig goat cheese

Parmesan and chive chips complete this delicious mini meal.   

Come, madam girlfriend, sit by my side and let the world slip,
We shall ne're be hungry
p.s. - A thousand pardons to Lady Capulet for the lateness of this posting.
Us star crossed lovers have a life you know. xo